Friday, October 26, 2012

Foster Puppies

The Three Dogs I Fostered!

When I moved to London I had to leave my dog behind because at the age of 10 years old and being used to being at my parents place I did not think it would be in his best interest to move him. It was really hard on me because throughout my whole child hood I had a dog in my life no matter what. 

6 months after being in London I really missed having a dog around the house. I went to my local pet store and asked them about rescues in the area that I could volunteer. She told me about the rescue called Canine Connect A Care. When I gave them a call they told me about fostering and explained what it was all about. A few weeks later my fiancee and I agreed to try out fostering. We had three dogs Scooter was the first, then Rupert and the last was Bree. 




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