Wednesday, November 23, 2011

Childhood Best Friend

Every child has there favorite toy or thing that they have to have with them at all times. It could have been a teddy bear, a blanket, pass-afire, bottle, barbie, etc.. 

When I was growing up my favorite thing is the whole world was my Teddy Bear. He was extremely white, so soft and fluffy. I received him as a birthday gift from my godfather on my second birthday. At that moment when I received him on my birthday, Teddy never left my side, except for the random times that I lost him.

Teddy was my first best friend. He was there for me when I was scared of the thunder and lightning at night, and when I was scared of the dark. When I was sad because my brother and I was fighting or because I had a bobo from something or another, I knew I always had my Teddy`s shoulder to cry on. There was other times I needed someone to talk to and I knew the only person that would understand me was him. 

Where ever I went Teddy went with me. Did not matter if it was for 5 minutes or if it was for 5 hours he had to be in my arms. I took him to the store, the doctors office, to school and to the hair dressers. There was one time I had lost him when I went to the hair dressers and FORGOT my Teddy there but I did not know that I left him there. My mother told me that it was like the end of the world for me when I could not find him. We searched high and low for him for days and days but he was no where to be found. 6 months later I went back to the hair dressers for another hair cut and when I walked into the door I saw my Teddy waiting fr me. I was the happiest little girl in the world. From that moment on I was a lot more careful.

At the age of 6 years old, as I was getting out of my mothers car and I notice my Teddy`s eye was gone (Poor Teddy he was blind in one eye). During the years he has under gone multiple surgeries for his stuffing, etc. This was due from all the love that was given to him over the years not abuse! As you can tell from this picture he has been threw a lot over the years.

Over the years I would turn to my mother and ask her what I should name my teddy  because I never really gave him a name when I got him, and every time I would ask her she would start to giggle and say `` you have already gave him a name the day you received him. His name is TEDDY``. I would giggle and realize, yeah he does not need a name he always had one. TEDDY it was. 

Because I`ve had my Teddy for so many years I was never able to give him up and I do not think I will ever be able to. Right now he sits on my dresser and he watches over me.

Wednesday, November 16, 2011

Fall Wedding

September 24 I was lucky to be a photographer at L & P 's wedding. The bride was glowing for the joy of her big day. She was so beautiful with her long wedding dress. I found it funny to see the groom nervous on the big day. 
The part that brings me great joy is see the grooms face when he gets his first glimpse  he gets of his bride as she walks down the aisle with her mother to give her away. It was a beautiful moment to witness and to capture on film (or as we like to call it now a days an SD card).
I loved seeing how these two people involved there son in the wedding ceremony, it made it that much more special.
L & P had an amazing reception. The food was very delicious and the atmosphere perfect. Music was awesome because they were playing some of the new stuff and a lot of the old. People were grooving on the dance floor and having a great time. 

Congratulation to the Bride and Groom!!!!
Wish you all the best.

Colours of Fall

Tuesday November 8, Micheal and I went for a very long walk around London. Micheal wanted me to get to know London better. So we hopped onto the 2C Dundas Bus and ended up South East of London on Dundas. The area was a little creepy and ghetto but they had a lot of interesting stores and all the abandon buildings, there was a lot of them. Almost every second house was all boarded up. After we walked around Dundas we walked up Adelaide to Oxford street. What really interested me the most on our walk was the colours of the trees and the sky. there was every colour out there.
A few days after our wonderful walk all the trees had now more leaves on them which was very sad to see.

Thanks Giving

This was my first thanks giving here in London with Micheal away from home. I decided to cooked him a turkey dinner like I would have had with my parents.
Yummy Turkey, Parsnips, Brussel Sprouts, Creamy Mash Potatoes, Stove Top Stuffing, Cranberry Jelly, and some amazing Gravy.
It was so good that we ate to fast and when we were done eating it didn't even look like we touched any of the food. It made me feel like I was home for Thanksgiving, It made me very happy inside.
Unfortunately our fridge died so we were not able to eat all the left overs that we had and threw a lot of it out.   

Happy Thanks Giving

Great Help

Since I have no car it was really hard to carry groceries and other things home from the stores. A week after I moved to London Micheal and I went out to buy this wonderful carrying cart. Since we bought this cart we have brought home lots of groceries with it. 
The 2 most interesting trips Micheal and I had with this cart was on a very hot summer day and we really needed to get an Air Conditioner for our apartment, so we went to Best Buy with this cart and some cord to tie down the AC unit.  Let me tell you, it was a long trip back home with a heavy AC unit and it was a hot summer day. The bus drivers were very amused to see Micheal and I carry this thing around. 6.8 km we made it home safely and got our apartment nice and cool.
The second time we used this wonderful cart for something big was when Micheal and I went to Walmart to buy a few things. We were not planing to buy a TV stand but when the price is right its right. It was a little easier to carry then the AC unit but it was still heavy.
I would totally recommend this cart to anyone that has to walk home or take the bus everywhere. This will make your lives so much easier, Trust me.